Friday 18 December 2015

Security in the cloud

it’s no surprise that security, like every other area of IT, is now shifting to the cloud. Or in some cases, components of it are becoming cloud-based. Analysts agree that it’s a big market. Gartner has predicted that the cloud-based security services market, which it defines as secure email or web gateways, identity and access management (IAM), remote vulnerability assessment, security information, and event management, will hit $4.13 billion (US) by 2017, and Global Industry Analysts, Inc., puts the market at $5.6 billion by 2020

The reasons are simple: the cloud provides the infrastructure to do much more than many businesses, particularly small and medium-sized organizations, have the capacity to even dream of. And it does so in a cost-effective, scalable way, with state of the art technology that’s automatically kept up to date without user intervention.

Security in the cloud can range from a complete service to an enabler of on-premise services. It’s being used in the latter capacity today, in fact, by many of the major security vendors, who have mostly stopped delivering the increasingly large, daily-signature files that have caused IT so many headaches in favour of hybrid solutions that refer to their cloud-based databases.

The move is driven in part by the speed with which malware is developed and distributed. Vendors have discovered that they can do a better job of detecting and disseminating information about threats by leveraging the power of the cloud. In the cloud, they can house the huge volume of data about threats, and can instantly make it available to their users. When something suspicious is detected on a system, it can be passed to a cloud-based analytic engine that examines it, decides if it’s malicious, and takes appropriate action. Then information about that new threat is immediately available to all other subscribers to the service. With the trend towards targeted attacks, that agility could prevent a major incident.

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