Friday 29 January 2016

Have You Ever Used the Cloud for Yourself? Tips for Personal Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become heaven in the digital era, no pun intended. Immediately, businesses saw the advantages of the cloud but has anyone ever explored the many personal uses.

Businesses use the cloud differently than an individual would. Take Netflix for example, the services they provide are built on the backend cloud services of Amazon. The business of cloud computing was already generating $100 billion in revenue in 2012. Over the past few years cloud computing has been used to make a consumer's everyday life easier.

Yes, your Google Drive or Dropbox are great for saving photos. It's also great for your everyday life. Here's all the ways you can personally use the cloud:


Cloud computing has earned the nickname "convenience". Society is moving at a much faster pace and sometimes technology can help ease the transition rather than empower it. The cloud proves convenient when you switch computers but still want access to certain files. Cloud computing is also the closest recipe to surviving unreliable hardware. Using Evernote or Google Drive eases the troubles of transitioning from my personal to work computer or when my laptop is faulty and I need a safety net.


Are you still avoiding computer backup when your laptop continues to ask? Backing up your data has always been a strenuous process. Before this meant managing a box of discs or hard drives and manually loaded your computer's files. This method left a lot of room for human error and definitely not the most efficient way to backup such vital data. Having an adequate amount of space to hold these files was also a reoccurring issue. Cloud based backup has revolutionized the process.

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